Saturday, May 24, 2014

A Step in the Right Direction- A family Diet change! Part #1

My husband and I recently decided that for our health and for the health of our kids we would change our diet around here. A typical weeks dinners used to look like this:

Monday- Spaghetti and meatballs (frozen from freezer section), garlic bread (frozen from the freezer section) Salad (from a bag) with Hidden Valley Ranch Dressing.
Tuesday (Dance Class Day need something fast)- Chicken Nuggets (from freezer section) and tater tots (also frozen)
Wednesday- Deli pizza from walmart (We get the all meats pre-made refrigerated Large Pizzas)
Thursday- Chili made with 3lbs hamburger, 6 cans of mixed beans, 2 packets of taco seasoning, can of diced tomatoes
Friday- Leftover Chili turned into burritos
Saturday- Nachos with leftover chili
Sunday- Fish sticks and Fries (frozen from the freezer section)

As you can see quite a lot of convenience foods. Breakfast was always either Poptarts or Cinnamon Toast Crunch or other sugary cereal. And Lunch was 3 choices (Ramen noodles, Hotdogs, or Sandwich with either meat or PB+J)

To top it off, my husband and I have an addiction to Soda (Diet for me and Mountain Dew for him) and since we make party favors for our Party Business we also sit around late after the kids go to bed at night watching Netflix, eating chips (his favorite Ruffles Sour Cream and Cheddar) and making favors. I actually have Type 2 Diabetes so eating chips is terrible for me.

One night after we polished off an entire bag of chips I felt my pinky toe had gone numb and painful. It was the first time I had really experienced the effects of high carbs on a part of my body and I immediately panicked. I told my husband and told him about the horror stories I had heard about people with Type 2 Diabetes who lost toes, fingers and other limbs as well as eye sight just from not watching their carb intake. We also talked about all of his parents health problems and mine and came to the conclusion that we should just overhaul the entire families diet.

We decided instead of cutting out a certain food group or putting everyone on a "diet" we would just cut out everything processed and eat more clean. No more microwave meals, ramen noodles, frozen nuggets, chef boy R D and Ruffles Sour Cream and Cheddar chips.

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