Sunday, May 18, 2014

Adventures in Meat Rabbits

So we decided to keep one of Speckles girl babies after she died from heat stroke (explanation in another Rabbit post).  The kids named Sparkles and then renamed her over and over finally settling on Marshmallow.

Oreo in the meantime, is doing great. (She is our friendliest bunny too. She will rush the cage door and rub all over your arm while you are changing her food, water etc.) She has had a healthy litter of 6 with one who was stillborn. She also had a set of 10 but 4 were dead when we counted which left her with 6 again. She turned out to be a good momma after all.(Below: A few of Oreo's babies playing and eating the grass in our mobile bunny lawn tractor)

Once Marshmallow was of age we mated her and then waited. After 31 days she has her first litter of babies but like an clueless first time mom she doesn't actually make her nest box til after they are born. They then freeze to death before we can get to them in the morning. (She had 8)  So we mated her again and the kids started feeding her some extra feed for the next 31 days for pregnancy and she gets real fat BUT never has babies! At day 42 we are like What!!! UGh! (Turns out she isn't pregnant just the extra food has made her a fatty). SO we mate Big Fatty (Marshmallow) again.  Finally Big Fatty has her first living litter of 9 this morning. (Below: Picture#1- Here is Marshmallow in her cage. Picture #2 and #3 are pics of the naked little babies inside a nest momma's fur.)

This rabbit adventure has been a lot of headache but the rewards of fresh meat without toxins or chemicals makes it worth every bit of time and money. And the kids LOVE having an endless supply of furry things to cuddle :)

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