Well, today is one of those day's. Grrrrrr. Homeschooling today is really trying
my patience. It's kind of
dark, rainy and gloomy out today and the younger kids are in rare grumpy form. I don't know what it is about this kind of weather that has everyone's mood out of whack.
We have only been up since 8:30am and already I think every child up to the age
of 9 has cried at least once and the 4's and under easily have cried or whined
the majority of the morning. I am about to declare this a video learning day and
make everyone up to the age of 9 lay down for the rest of the school day. Ughhhh
It's snack time right now and FINALLY there is the sound of quiet ....that is until
the 1 year old walks under the dining room table to retrieve a dropped animal cookie and whack....poor thing.
Thinking maybe I will make some cookies and pull out the play-do for creative play once I put the 1 year old, who eats play-do, down for her nap at noon. Days like today make me thank God for the privilege to home school my kids. We can go at our own pace and if something isn't working for the day than we can put a pin in it for later and find other creative ways to learn and lift our spirits. The bible said that David encouraged himself in the Lord when he was faced with adversities.
The rest of this week will be rainy according to the news forecast and I accept the challenge to turn the gloom to bloom. Here is the lyrics to an old song that I think are greatly appropriate.
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