Saturday, January 19, 2013

Preparing our rabbits for winter weather in a pinch.

NC has the most unpredictable weather! For weeks the weather has been fairly warm considering its January. And last weekend the temperatures were in the 60's. It felt like a Spring day. Then on Monday it started raining. By Wednesday the temperatures had turned bitterly cold and the wind was picking up. The rain was starting to blow under the shelter where our rabbits are and they were getting wet. So my oldest son Tristan and I spent nearly an hour tacking up large pieces of cardboard around the sides until my husband could get home to put up a tarp around the shelter.

The cardboard was very short lived obviously so after a few hours and Shane wasn't home still we had to come up with a plan to bring in the rabbits. We ended up using an old pack-n-play for the 2 does (Oreo and Speckle) and a cat carrier for the buck (Snowball) for a few hours. When Shane got home he went out and put a tarp up all around the shelter. But on Thursday evening it began to snow heavy and although the tarp solution worked for temporary reasons, it was difficult to feed and water them everyday since we had to remove it each time. Friday the snow and rain had stopped and was nearly melted so that night we just threw some old blankets over the cages to keep them warm. Today however we had to come up with something more since it was going to be in the lower 20's tonight. We ended up stripping poor Pebble's cage (the indoor bunny) of her little log shelter and her igloo that she came with when Aunt Maria gave her to us and gave the log to the does and the igloo to the buck. Then we covered the cages up with the blankets again.

When we raise up some more money my husband wants to finish the shelter by adding a solid wood back and sides with lattice style doors that we can latch closed at night.

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