Sunday, January 13, 2013

This Rabbitry is getting expensive.

So the girls and I went out 2 weekends ago and bought the cage wire we needed for the 4 rabbit cages. (This was my attempt to push my husband along in the building process..wink, wink) We had to go to 4 different stores to find the right cage wire. (Lowe's, Farmers Feed and Seed, Farmers Hardware and The Tractor Supply.) The Tractor Supply store seemed like it had everything we needed even though we had to drive about 35 minutes out of our way. We got the cage wire, J-clips, J-clip tool, and these 2-liter bottle converters so we could have bigger water feeders than the average Water Feeder. They had the food dispensers too but at $8.99 each, I thought I would check Walmart first. (Big fat mistake) The total for the cage materials at Tractor Suppy was $88. Add that to the $172 we already spent at Lowe's for the wood to build the frame, the wire cutters, and wood screws. This thing is starting to add up...little did we know we would be spending about $100 more on emergency supplies (next blog patient. :smile:)  and only being able to make 2 cages with what we had YIKES!

Alexia demonstrating my face as I added up the expenses for the rabbitry. haha

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