Friday, June 10, 2016

Day 1 of fast revisited

So today I began the day with regret that I broke my fast last night. Not to mention the headache from the original "Day 1" returned about noon. I started the day with stomach cramps (probably from the enchiladas) and had severe hunger pains again which I had all but lost by day 3, I think.

I started drinking water and since Shane was home most of the day we talked ALOT about fasting and this book I'm reading. (Side note: i suggest books to Shane ALL THE TIME and sometimes through my incessant "you have to read this..." comments, he will begin reading the suggested book but rarely does he finish anything I suggest! BOOOOOOOO!!!!😭) Anyhow, around 3:30pm I suggest he go on a "no solids" fast with me and read this book. HE RELUCTANTLY AGREES!! YAY! double the blessings right?

So now when to begin... "tonight" he says "that is AFTER we have a long awaited date night out." Well, OK so at 3:45pm I broke my fast again with some fried chicken livers and ocra lol Then ran a few errands, picked up our oldest 3 kids from church after we celebrated my oldest daughters birthday with ice cream there, came home, nursed Marissa to sleep, got little kids ready for bed and we headed out just the two of us for a super late dinner. It was the first time in well.... Years we went somewhere without a baby in tow.

At dinner we decided that we would both do the modified liquid fast for 7 days which includes any form of liquid (tomato soup, juice, smoothies, shakes, cream soups with no chunks and pretty much anything you can drink) than I want to continue with the water only fast for another 7 or possibly 14 days for a total of 21 days.

I am so excited to see what God will do with our family with both of us fasting and praying. I would LOVE if someone would give me a brand new fully loaded 15 passenger van.... Hint hint😉

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