Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Day 2 of water fast

So I woke up without a headache which was surprising since I had a headache (it seemed) all night. But I did wake up with nausea and my body felt achy All over. Miserable night😞

Today the girls had piano lessons at 2:30 so I was going to try to get out by noon so I could go to the grocery store before thier lessons. Shane had a delivery so he wasn't here to help with the kids (especially Phoenix who woke up with a fever. I think he's teething. Went through 3 shirts in a couple of hours with drool). He got home around 12:30 so I wasn't actually able to get out of the house before 1:30.

So i took 3 kids with me to the post office and then this terrible craving for egg drop soup came over me. While I was driving I passed this Chinese restaurant by the post office and it was like a little voice inside saying. "If you can only have clear liquids what about that egg drop soup from that Chinese place. You have time to pull in and get a to go order." I had past it and thought "well, there is that one up near the dollar store." And I was off. I was convincing myself all the way to the door that it would still be a fast even if there are egg pieces in the soup. "After all, I can still drink it and not chew, right?" I get myself and the kids out of the car and head to the door now battling whether to skip the egg drop soup and go with the won ton soup with no won tons but the restaurant was CLOSED!!! Oh thank God! I decide would be better to get some broth from the grocery store instead and heat it at the church where the girls have piano lessons. I read my Fasting book the whole hour.

After thier lessons went to the grocery store (Walmart) and I was beginning to feel agitated. Kept praying to get through this day. The kids with me however continued to giggle and laugh incessantly which grated on my nerves the whole time we were shopping. I got home and went straight upstairs to nurse the baby and came down to the overwhelming smell of tacos. My husband had cooked!! I LOVE TACOS! I COULDN'T BARE ANOTHER SECOND. So I announce that I wouldn't be joining them for dinner but instead i would be going to the Y to sit in the sauna and read and relax. This annoyed my husband who apparently expected me to sit with them through dinner and do our nightly devotion while they all ate. He says "what about family devotions?" I in turn say "Please, with this fasting and praying I will be way more "enlightened" then you even if I skip!" (Air quotes and all) This invites an argument about how I've been on him to start a family devotion time and then I'm going to skip? Now in tears I am like "I'm sorry that I can't sit through "taco time" to do devotions tonight. Have some compassion!!!" I turn to the kids now sitting at the table eating and explain to them that I will probably miss a few dinners for the first few nights because it is the hardest the first 3 days. And then I leave for the Y.

I sweat in the dry sauna for about 35 minutes with my Fasting book and pray. Then I pray on the way home for God to fix whatever this mental addiction to food is. See I haven't felt hungry most of the day but my mind has been telling me I need this or that. It's in my mind!

I get home and my husband and I make up. Although I did hope that they would have cleaned up so I wouldn't have to look at the leftover taco fixings. They had not. But strangely they no longer looked "good" to me. THANKS GOD! I went on to make enchiladas for the next night with the leftovers and never once was tempted.
Around 8pm I began having leg cramps that were very painful. I also developed diarrhea today. I decided to go to bed around 11:30pm after drinking that nasty fennel Greek tea for my milk supply. I decided not to take the metformin tonight with my Zyrtec and prenatal vitamin. Slept OK.

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